ôîòî: Schneider CA1. Mus'ee des Blind'es, Saumur, France. 11-7-2022

Alan WilsonArrondissement de Saumur • 11-07-2022  

Îïèñàíèå: French WW1 era medium tank The Schneider CA1 was the first French tank, entering service in late 1916. It was initially intended to assist in trench warfare by opening passages through barbed wire for infantry to use, as well as suppressing German machine gun fire. It’s main armament was a 75mm canon in the right hand sponson. Produced by SOMUA, a subsidiary of Schneider, 400 examples were built between September 1916 and August 1918. Although they suffered heavy losses during their first action in April 1917, they would go on to be very successful and had an important role in halting the German spring offensive during March 1918. Removed from active service in September 1918, the survivors were then rebuilt as utility and training vehicles. At least one example served with the Italian Army during WW1, whilst China had a number in service by 1925. More remarkable, however, was their use in Spain from 1921 until 1936, including initial fighting during the Spanish Civil War. This is the only surviving example. It was shipped to the United States in 1919 for testing and evaluation and ended up on display in the Ordnance Museum of Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, along with the Saint-Chamond. Both of these original WW1 tanks were returned to France in 1987 and have since been restored to running condition. The CA1 is seen on display in the ‘France 1914-1918’ hall. Mus'ee des Blind'es, Saumur, Pays de la Loire, France 11th July 2022


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