ôîòî: Prototype AMX-30A at Mus'ee des Blind'es, Saumur, France

Alan WilsonArrondissement de Saumur • 11-07-2022  

Îïèñàíèå: French cold-war era main battle tank prototype Given that it has the serial number 1, this is likely to be the first prototype AMX-30. Seven prototypes were built in 1963, followed by two pre-production vehicles in 1965. All nine were later reclassified as AMX-30A to avoid confusion with the AMX-30B production model. The original seven had a lower hull design and were 5 tons lighter than the eventual production model. This prototype was one of several vehicles in need of restoration which were stored, but not fenced off, at the far end of the main museum building. Mus'ee des Blind'es, Saumur, Pays de la Loire, France 11th July 2022


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