ôîòî: AMX-30C2 ‘30C2’ at Mus'ee des Blind'es, Saumur, France

Alan WilsonArrondissement de Saumur • 11-07-2022  

Îïèñàíèå: The AMX-30C2 was intended as an upgrade package for existing AMX-30B tanks. It included an 850hp engine (instead of the existing 680hp) with an automatic gearbox, turret stabilisation, automatic digital fire control and a thermal camera for better ‘all-weather’ performance. Built as a development and/or demonstrator vehicle, this AMX-30C2 has the chassis number ARE 6315. It was one of several vehicles in need of restoration which were stored, but not fenced off, at the far end of the main museum building. Mus'ee des Blind'es, Saumur, Pays de la Loire, France 11th July 2022


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