ôîòî: M47 Patton II ‘288 0321’ in storage at Mus'ee des Blind'es, Saumur, France

Alan WilsonArrondissement de Saumur • 11-07-2022  

Îïèñàíèå: American Cold-war era medium tank Developed from the M46 but with an updated turret, some 8,576 M47s were produced between 1951 and 1954. Intended as a stop-gap, they were the only ‘Patton’ series tank not to see combat with the US military, although they were widely exported to other operators. This turretless ex-French Army example was visible in an outdoor storage area at the far end of the main museum car park. Mus'ee des Blind'es, Saumur, Pays de la Loire, France 11th July 2022


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