ôîòî: Santos-Dumont Demoiselle Type 20 at Mus'ee de l'air et de l'espace, Le Bourget, France

Alan WilsonArrondissement du Raincy • 12-07-2022  

Îïèñàíèå: Light, relatively cheap and with a maximum speed of 60mph, the Demoiselle first flew in 1908 and proved to be very popular. It was described by the June 1910 edition of Popular Mechanics as “better than any other [flying machine] which has ever been built, for those who wish to reach results with the least possible expense and with a minimum of experimenting”. At the October 1909 Paris A'ero Salon, Santos-Dumont announced his intention to manufacture a production run of 100 examples, although only fifty were eventually built. In 1910 he released his rights over the drawings free of charge to encourage aviation and around 300 Demoiselles were later built worldwide as a consequence. This example has a bamboo fuselage which implies it was one of the fifty constructed in Santos-Dumont’s own workshop, presumably in 1910. An early addition to the collection, it is on display in the Pioneers Hall. Mus'ee de l'air et de l'espace. Le Bourget Airport, Paris, France. 12th July 2022


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