ôîòî: Gondola from R-class Zeppelin [LZ 113]

Alan WilsonArrondissement du Raincy • 12-07-2022  

Îïèñàíèå: c/n LZ 83 The R-class Zeppelins were 645ft long, had a diameter of 78ft and a capacity of 1,949,600 cubic ft. The six engines and crew of 21 were spread between four gondolas, with the rearmost being the largest. Designed to operate at higher altitudes than previous classes to avoid enemy attacks, they could reach 13,000ft, had a maximum speed of 62mph and an endurance of 36 hours. Despite this, four were quickly shot down during raids on England and the remainder of the class were further lightened as a consequence. Now, with no defensive armament and only half of the original bomb load, they could achieve 16,000ft. Endurance also improved, as demonstrated later in the war when an army example, LZ120, carried out a Baltic mission which lasted some 101 hours. One of seventeen R-class Zeppelins built, LZ113 first flew on 22nd February 1917 and had the manufacturer’s identity LZ 83. Operating over the Eastern front and Baltic Sea areas it carried out fifteen reconnaissance missions resulting in three attacks, during which it dropped 13,000lb of bombs. In October 1920 it was transferred to France as war reparations and was used for static wind and structural tests. The rear gondola survives and is on display in the Great War Hall at the Mus'ee de l'air et de l'espace. Le Bourget Airport, Paris, France. 12th July 2022


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