ôîòî: Br'eguet G.III 'F-WFKC'

Alan WilsonArrondissement du Raincy • 12-07-2022  

Îïèñàíèå: c/n 01 The G.III was Br'eguet’s response to a request by the Soci'et'e Francaises du Gyroplane (SFG) for a passenger helicopter. The coaxial rotor design was initially called the G.11E and was powered by a 240hp Potez 9E-00 9-cylinder radial. It first flew in May 1949 but was found to be underpowered, so it was rebuild using a 450hp Pratt & Whitney Wasp Junior which gave it a maximum speed of 150mph. Lengthened during the rebuild, it was now designated as the G.III and could carry four passengers and a pilot. It flew again in 1951 but SFG ceased to exist in 1952 and the project was cancelled. It is on display in the Helicopters Hall (Hall 9) at the Mus'ee de l'air et de l'espace. Le Bourget Airport, Paris, France. 12th July 2022


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