ôîòî: Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress '124485 / DF-A'

Alan WilsonMarston Maisey • 16-07-2022  

Îïèñàíèå: c/n 8693(-VE). The only airworthy B17 outside of the USA, 'Sally B' has been based at Duxford since 1975. Since 1989 she has been painted to represent the famous B-17F 'Memphis Belle' which was based at nearby Bassingbourn. Although she still retains this scheme, she has now had her chin turret re-installed, which returns her to 'G' status. She is seen on static display at the 2022 Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT) RAF Fairford, Gloucestershire, UK 16th July 2022


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