ôîòî: British Aerospace Hawk T.1 ‘XX240 / CU-840’

Alan WilsonMawgan-in-Pydar • 27-07-2022  

Îïèñàíèå: c/n 312076 Built in 1978 for the Royal Air Force, she served with Nos.4 and 6 Flying Training Schools (4FTS & 6FTS), then with 19 & 74 Squadrons. She was later transferring to the Royal Navy where she flew with the Fleet Requirements and Air Direction Unit (FRADU) and then with 736 Naval Air Squadron before being stored at RAF Shawbury. Still owned by the Ministry of Defence, XX240 arrived here in January 2020 and is used for training and exercises by the Joint Aircraft Recovery and Transportation Squadron (JARTS), although it remains on display within the museum when not in use. Cornwall Aviation Heritage Centre Newquay Airport, Cornwall, UK. 27th July 2022 Note: - Sadly the museum was forced to close in October 2022 and the collection dispersed. XX240 has moved to Boscombe Down to continue its JARTS duties.


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