фото: Light through stone

Desmond Kavanagh • 20-09-2008  

Описание: The light through the interior of the 400 year old minaret of a dusty mosque within the crumbling walls of the now almost abandoned village of kharanaq, Iran. The village is built on the side of a green hill in the middle of the desert outside Yazd. There are ancient irrigation routes winding down the hillside and the fields are still tended by the few people who remain. The majority of the town is a mud-brick maze of houses heaped on top of each other, some parts believed to be over 1000 years old. The town itself has been occupied for 4000 years. The entrance to the minaret was about the size of a fireplace and it got tighter as it climbed, i made it about halfway before the claustrophobia set in but i had to return and squeeze my camera in to catch this dust-highlighted ray of light through the tower.


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