фото: Marrowbone Lane

Desmond Kavanagh • 18-03-2009  

Описание: I can't deny having aspirations of documentary photography, of telling a story and communicating with imagery.The world has no common narrative, just billions of individual ones intertwined, and creating a piece of work that says something about a place is a deceptively ambitious task. It's not enough to merely present a location, even walking around a place can leave you bereft of any particular insight if you are distracted enough, there's just too much information. Telling a story, for me, is about finding the lines that connect the many, many dots, the details, and above all, making it beautiful. After a string of recent shootings i decided to take on a personal project of photographing one of Dublin cities most notorious neighbourhoods, the Liberties. These are 26 images from my first visit.


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