фото: China's Tibet

Desmond Kavanagh • 15-08-2009  

Описание: This is a big one. My first proper complete piece of work, i think....A 50+ photo documentary on the effects of the Chinese occupation of Tibet in the twenty first century. Sounds a bit ambitious and possibly a tad pretentious? No worries, a famous photographer's advice to beginners that i once heard went "Give yourself the assignment of your dreams". Simple enough, so i have. Here's the synopsis: ___________________ The title of this collection was taken from a book seen in a Lhasa bookshop in which its context was an assertion of dominance in a pathetic photobook of smiling Tibetans living their simple, but happy lives.. but this title doesn't refer to that. The name China's Tibet instead refers to the new Tibet that is rising from the tattered remnants of the old nation in a whirlwind alongside the myriad Chinese cranes raising new houses and offices in Tibetan towns and cities across the plateau. This new Tibet is powered and connected- it's a haven for Han Chinese migrants attracted by government subsidies. The increasingly marginalised Tibetan communities are a lucrative tourist magnet and throngs of Chinese tourists pour into ancient monasteries watched closely by cctv and spies. China's Tibet will make a lot of money for the motherland and a huge amount has already been invested. While the old Tibet is followed through crosshairs and may already be dying, they're building a new one to replace it. _______________________ I've compiled the photos in a book that you can see here And the photos can be seen on a slideshow here


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