фото: Tibet

Desmond Kavanagh • 13-08-2009  

Описание: From the China's Tibet collection. See the link for all photos and the book. _____________________________________________________ Tibetan man at a pass near Nyalam in Tsang. Whenever you cross a high pass like this one (probably about 5000m or so) there are huge amounts of prayer flags draped all over the place, something of a thank you to the gods (tibetan buddhism is much more shamanistic than I had realised!) for allowing safe passage. It's also worth noting that Tibetan men are usually stereotypical cowboys, they wear these fantastic wide brimmed hats during the summer. It took me about 3 days to realise how burnt my lips were getting in the dry, thin air and the glaring high sun and buy one. Even if it made me look like Indiana Jones.


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