фото: A fine place to wear a suit

Desmond Kavanagh • 12-08-2009  

Описание: From the China's Tibet collection. See the link for all photos and the book. _____________________________________________________ The friendship highway is incrementally complete but for a large part you can find yourself driving through endless plains like these on little more than a flattened dirt mound. This man i think is a bus driver. Seemingly its impossible to drive more than an hour without being held up for a check point or roadworks or some other inconvenience and thats exactly why our jeep, a bus and a few trucks got to know each other better for about 30 minutes. This man was walking back from taking a piss. Poor guy had to walk for about 5 mintues to get any cover! This one is much better viewed large but unfortunately I can't upload a larger version due to repeated upload fails!


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