фото: Outside Line

Desmond Kavanagh • 13-08-2009  

Описание: From the China's Tibet collection. See the link for all photos and the book. _____________________________________________________ The wonderous Tahsihunpo Monastery in Shigatse. Just overlooking the puja court and marking the door to the pathway to the great tall building where the thangkas are stored is one of the most sacred and powerful of artefacts, the China Telecom payphone. Unsurprisingly Tashilhunpo is not famous primarily for its telecommunications devices, its the traditional seat of the Panchen Lama, the second highest lama to the Dalai himself. It's worth reading up on the controversy surrounding the title and the poor Tibetan boy who was named Panchen reborn who became the youngest political prisoner in the world. Subsequently the Chinese governments decision to implement their own Panchen Lama who is popularly described as the "imposter" by Tibetans. All a bit awful. But it's ok, tourism in the Monastery has never been better! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gedhun_Choekyi_Nyima


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