фото: Street level

Desmond Kavanagh • 13-08-2009  

Описание: From the China's Tibet collection. See the link for all photos and the book. _____________________________________________________ Smoking a cigarette by the side of the busy market mainstreet of Shigatse, Tibet. The China's Tibet collection was featured on Tewfic el-Sawy's popular blog The Travel Photographer recently, I almost missed it but for the fact that I had googled my own name today after hearing a speaker at a Dublin protest also named Desmond Kavanagh and wondered whether he was more google-famous than me. Turns out he's not (woo!). This link was on the first page. Its fairly exciting, I've had this blog bookmarked for years now, I decided to take a chance and send him an email a few weeks back and promply forgot about it. Nice to get a bit of recognition sometimes :) now i just need to actually make some money from my photography...


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