фото: A boy and a girl

Desmond Kavanagh • 15-08-2009  

Описание: From the China's Tibet collection. See the link for all photos and the book. _____________________________________________________ Two Tibetan children appeared as specks on the horizon as they approached to observe my jeep when we stopped for a break in this fertile expanse. They just stared at us. There had been encounters before in the larger towns where tourists might stop travelling through, the odd begger or sleeve puller but this really was a chance stop on an almost 1000km drive through an extremely sparsely populated plateau. They were very young and far from their homes and although i doubt it strongly, i am somewhat hopeful I was among the first handful of white people these kids saw. Their stare suggested it. The mountain behind is over 7000m and marks one of the last natural boundaries before the descent to the holy city of Lhasa. This was the morning, and by evening we were there.


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