фото: The path out of Dharamsala

Desmond Kavanagh • 29-07-2009  

Описание: This was taken on a walk out of the upper town of McLeod Ganj in Dharamsala just as a heavy mist was setting in. There is a path that starts almost like a lane between a few buildings but opens up as it climbs while clutching to the side of the wooded hills until it becomes a wide road frequented, apparently, mostly by goats. It's the main road to another town called Bhagsu and it's dotted with small sights like this one here. The odd stupa or string of prayer flags lead the unsuspecting tourist from the drink deals, outdoor grills and seamless line of stalls selling bob marley towels and tibetan hats of the mainstreets of McLeod Ganj. Things become a little simpler as you head out, houses no longer have signs plastered all over them, there's a local vegtable market, then there are no houses and it's just a wooded steep path. Next you see the stupas and the odd monk sitting on a patch of grass overlooking the town. And its a nice walk. If you don't mind goats.


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