фото: Tief im Pott

Desmond Kavanagh • 15-05-2011  

Описание: Oh dear, how things have not been even slightly updated... Seems like my final year thesis got it's grubby fingers all over my lens and distracted me long enough for me to actually do quite well for myself. Well enough, in fact, to get propelled from the relative cosiness of my expectation of joining the dole queues and sleepwalking through my youth in a wounded Ireland. Propelled with fervor to the prickly intensity of the industrial heartland of a distinctly unwounded Germany. And all this happened before I even had the results from my Degree somehow. So now almost a year has passed. It's a disgrace that I ignored my pretty little camera for so long, but then I was busy experiencing things in life that I had never before experienced...like bills, and having to cook every day... Last weekend though I took the bike out down to Duisburg Ruhrort and wound my way amongst the steely forests and concrete mountains of the dirty side of the Rhine. This is the place where the pristine countryside stretching unspoiled and postcard perfect all the way from the Netherlands, hits the largest natural thoroughfare in Europe, the Rhine. The west bank of the Rhine opposite Duisburg is sloping and green, but the East bank where the city begins looks garrisoned like a fortress. It is here that Europe's largest inland harbour begins, and an industrial area 3 times the size of London known as the Ruhr. The Ruhr is a part of Europe so completely synonymous with the scars of industry that it is a pleasant surprise to find these days that the skies are blue and the water is (relatively) clean, and a new identity of high technology industries and glisteningly modern urban hubs is replacing the wasteland of the past. But the bones of the old Ruhr are still very often found to be poking up through the earth and bleaching in the sun, the Ruhr inhabitants preferring to not bury them, but rather, accept them as a part of the landscape that history has crafted for them. I am not certain what direction this project will take me. So far I am just taking photos of things that fascinate me. In particular I find the changing identity of an area irresistible. I will be back out on the bike quite often I think, and a theme to tie these photos together should appear. But for now I will upload for fun and echo into the void of flickr... echo... echo...


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