фото: Train no 222

Bernt RostadMoscow • 28-07-2008  

Описание: A sign near one of the platforms at the Kazansky railway station, informing us of our train. It turned out we were not going to take the Trans-Siberian mainline, but a sideline serviced by train no 222 to a place called Улан-Удэ (or Ulan-Ude if you insist) which is a city a little south of Lake Baikal! There the railway line forks, one branch continuing east while another heads south into China. Since Novosibirsk lies far west of Lake Baikal we would be fine on this train too which is more of a local transportation route than the renowned Trans-Siberian, giving us a more authentic Russian feel, but unfortunately also taking us across the Urals far away from the Obelisk at the Europe-Asia border. The train was scheduled to depart at 1:11 pm Moscow Time, and it left on the minute!


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