фото: Nightlife

Raymond Zoller • 05-11-2019  

Описание: Trying Photoshop. The sky I took in Bar (Montenegro) Diana – in Basel (Switzerland), sitting on a sofa. By the help of Photoshop I moved her on the chimney. The guy on the rooftop I met in Hamburg (Germany) at the studio of an artist The face behind the window in the middle is a cat, that I photographed in Basel Finally, the person behind the window to the left I met in Bar (Montenegro) in the Outsider Art Center (the mentioned above pictures you find in the album www.flickr.com/photos/klamurke/albums/72157711846920071) The guy behind the window to the right is Pushkin. We met in Odessa at the Pushkin Street. Some picture of our meeting I published here www.klamurke.com/Texte/Puschkin.htm#Puschkin (not on Flickr) The roof I took in Munich (Germany) at the Schellingstrasse (no other picture of this view)


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