фото: Statue of Brigadier James Hill D.S.O** MC

Alan WilsonArrondissement de Caen • 08-07-2022  

Описание: This statue was unveiled by HRH Prince of Wales (now King Charles III), in the presence of Brigadier Hill, on the 60th Anniversary of Operation Overlord. Memorial Pegasus Ranville-B'enouville, Normandy, France 8th July 2022 The nearby information reads as follows:- “James Hill was a founder of the Parachute Regiment and was one of the most experienced Allied Airborne Commanders. Commissioned into the Royal Fusiliers in 1931, he served in France in 1940 and was one of the last British soldiers to be evacuated from Dunkirk. After parachute training, Hill commanded 1st Parachute Battalionin North-Africa, Sicily and Italy. Promoted to Brigadier in February 1944, at the age of 33, he took command of 3rd Parachite Brigade, leading them from Normandy into Belgium, Holland and Germany. James Hill was the most senior surviving officer of the D-Day Landings, he died in March 2006.”


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