фото: Recovered DB605 engine from Bf109G-6/R3 [WkNr 165268 / Black 8]

Alan WilsonArrondissement de Caen • 10-07-2022  

Описание: This is the remains of a Daimler-Benz DB605 aero-engine from a Messerschmitt Bf109G-6/R3 of III/JG 3. It was WkNr 165268 and was marked as ‘Black 8’. Gefreiter Heinz Beyer joined III/JG 3 on 4th July 1944. On 12 July 1944, just eight days later, he was shot down during a low-level attack on Allied troops and cargo gliders around Ranville, to the northeast of Caen. He was hit by AA fire and crashed just south of Breville-les-Monts. His remains were unable to be recovered and he is now believed to be buried as an ‘unknown’ at La Cambe in Normandy. D-Day Wings Museum Caen-Carpiquet Airport, Normandy, France 10th July 2022 The above historical information is jointly from labelling in the museum and from the excellent www.aircrewremembered.com


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