фото: Sd.Kfz.4/1 Panzerwerfer at Mus'ee des Blind'es, Saumur, France

Alan WilsonArrondissement de Saumur • 11-07-2022  

Описание: German WW2-era half-track multiple rocket-launcher Official designation:- 15cm Panzerwerfer 42 auf Maultier (Sd.Kfz.4/1) This vehicle combined the Opel Maultier half-track with the Nebelwerfer 41 rocket launcher. Some 300 were built between April 1943 and March 1944 and they were used extensively on both Eastern and Western fronts. Whilst the rockets were not particularly accurate, they had a large psychological effect and were known as either ‘Moaning Minnie’ or ‘Screaming Mimi’ by the Allies, due to the noise they made when fired. This example is on display in the ‘Germany 1934-1945’ hall. Mus'ee des Blind'es, Saumur, Pays de la Loire, France 11th July 2022


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