фото: Leduc 0.10 (previously the Leduc 0.16) at Mus'ee de l'air et de l'espace, Le Bourget, France

Alan WilsonArrondissement du Raincy • 12-07-2022  

Описание: c/n 01 The Leduc 0.10 was a ramjet research aircraft which first flew in October 1947, having been designed and partly constructed in secret during German occupation. This was the third and final example and was actually built as the sole Leduc 0.16, c/n 01. The 0.16 had a small turbojet on each wingtip which were intended to improve control during landing. It first flew in February 1951 but unfortunately the additional jets caused various issues, including wing deflection, and were later removed. Its last flight was on 19th January 1954 and it was then donated to the National collection. Effectively now a Leduc 0.10, it is displayed marked as such, although the c/n 01 was given to it when it was an 0.16. It is displayed mounted on the upper fuselage of a Sud-Est SE.161 Languedoc 4-engined airliner, four of which were used as launch aircraft for the Leduc series. If this is part of a genuine Languedoc fuselage then it is now the only remaining section of the 100 examples built. The combination is on display in the fascinating Prototypes Hall (Hall 7) at the Mus'ee de l'air et de l'espace. Le Bourget Airport, Paris, France. 12th July 2022


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