фото: TransallC-160R 'R18 / 61-MM' [F-RAMM]

Alan WilsonArrondissement du Raincy • 12-07-2022  

Описание: c/n 18 Built in 1968 as a C-160F with the military serial F18. In May 1978 it was one of two Transalls which took part in Operation Bonite, the dropping of paratroopers during the Battle of Kolwezi, Zaire. The operation led to the successful rescue of European and Zairean hostages who had been taken by the Congolese National Liberation Front (FLNC) when they occupied the city. Following the operation, F18 was named “City of Kolwezi”. It became a C-160R in October 1994 and was re-serialled as R18. It was retired in August 2012 and flown to Le Bourget for the National collection, but it was first repainted in the scheme it wore during Operation Bonite, in May 1978. Mus'ee de l'air et de l'espace. Le Bourget Airport, Paris, France. 12th July 2022


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