фото: Buc-ee's (3/3)

John Perry • 10-07-2023  

Описание: Slicing brisket Buc-ee's is a chain of "travel stops" along various US highways. They sell petroleum-based fuel and offer charging stations for electric cars, but the real draw for many people are the fairly large stores which offer clean restrooms, soft drinks, prepackaged snacks and even low-alcohol beverages -- most most especially Jerky, Bar-B-Q, and fudge. I haven't tried the jerky, but the Bar-B-Q is quite good and reasonably priced, while the fudge is quite good, but not so reasonably priced. (To be fair, neither is most fudge I've found while traveling.) Buc-ee's has been in the news for the rather high wages they pay, as well. IIRC, starting salaries are a minimum of $17/hour, and include benefits such as a 401(k) and health insurance. But... from what I read, you work quite hard for that money; the stores are routinely full of customers, so they keep you constantly busy.


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