фото: TransLink SkyTrain departs Stadium-Chinatown station in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Tim AdamsVancouver • 10-10-2013  

Описание: "Where can I get a good shot of the SkyTrain?" I asked. The security staffer frowned, muttered a lukewarm endorsement for the Sapperton station, then fished out a smartphone and tapped up an image on the LCD. He had taken it on the viaduct immediately south of the Stadium-Chinatown stop. Perhaps I could get a shot here, even with the short glass in my camera bag. He was right! Here are his directions: • Get off at the Stadium-Chinatown stop. • Turn left at Beatty. • Look left for a pedestrian/bike path onto the viaduct. I spent a half hour here in indifferent light. If you lug your gear here in the 'golden hour,' you'll be bound to get much better.


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