фото: Steps of the Girona Cathedral in Girona, Spain

Tim AdamsGirona • 01-06-2021  

Описание: A mosque once stood here, believe it or not. Lecherous ol' Charlemagne reconquered the city in 785. The current cathedral began life in 1015, wasn't finished until the eighteenth century. Why bust your hump if you can leave the heavy lifting to your successors, hundreds of years in the future? I don't doubt that other scriveners will patch up my Flickr caption phrasing gaffes in the twenty-fourth century. Some online shots show more fellow tourists here. I visited during the pandemic. A 100% zoom will show the masks. Girona is an excellent tourist trip add-on for the carfree visitor to Barcelona, thanks to the Rodalies commuter rail system. My second link to my Catalonia trip write-up: transitophile.com/chango/tourist-trips-to-catalonia-spain/ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girona_Cathedral


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