фото: Sol station tribute to Madrid Metro founders

Tim AdamsMadrid • 07-02-2022  

Описание: The Spaniards I meet in language exchanges may fantasize that I know what to call everything in English, but this 'monumento' has me stumped. 'Tribute' seems forced, but 'sculpture' doesn't sound right, either. 'Monumento' is what it's called at: historias-matritenses.blogspot.com/2016/05/el-metro-de-ma... ... which includes a photo showing that 'el monumento' once had a much more prominent place at the station. I'll bet that thousands daily pass beneath the grey block today with nary an upward glance, and no idea of what credit they owe to the three engineers listed. Yes, fellow photogs, I deliberately overexposed, so you can read the text.


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