фото: Confederate flags at Union Hill cemetery near Birmingham, Alabama

Tim AdamsMountain Brook Village • 27-01-2014  

Описание: Photographed the day after Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in this private cemetery south of Birmingham. No, I didn't trespass, you who would think ill of me! I leaned over the fence. T'ain't trespassing. I understate considerably in writing that this banner sparks much controversy south of the Mason-Dixon. John Sanders, depicted elsewhere in this photo set, wondered how a state that embraces this flag can pretend to have overcome racism; the Confederate symbol on the state flag is like a slap in the face. A white descendant of Confederate soldiers, in contrast, told me heatedly that the flag was designed only to allow troops in the miserable war to tell each other apart on the battle field. The flag, she said, is about _heritage_, not hate. (Predictably, I side strongly with Mr. Sanders on this one, although I'm grateful to the descendant of the Confederacy for sharing her views.) A gentle suggestion: perhaps Mississippi could launch a contest to design a new flag that might appeal to both factions. The contest might attract national attention, and that attention could be parlayed into a strong tourist draw.


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