фото: Houston Red Line arrives at Fannin South station

Tim AdamsPierce Junction • 27-01-2014  

Описание: Fannin South is the end of the line, and the train slows to a crawl before reaching the platform. Ee-zee picture takin' here. I'm afraid it's hard for me to generate much enthusiasm about rail projects of this sort in mature, sprawling, car-oriented Houston, which struck me as an unrepentant Los Angeles as far as travel modes are concerned. I spent all of a day and a half here, and could be wrong, but what I saw were freeways, freeways, more freeways. There doesn't seem to be any shortage of flat land in the area, and Houston has been happy to sprawl on it. I don't see how a late-arriving rail system can change things much, unless Houston makes an enormous investment in infrastructure. Still, with emphasis: I don't know Houston neighborhoods, don't know Houston travel patterns. I might be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time. I found a transit-oriented advocacy group -- taghouston.org/ -- while researching the city online, and also a blog about Houston transit issues: houstontransit.blogs.rice.edu/ . I gather that the blog author recently moved to the Bay Area.


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