фото: At the Railway Museum

Tim AdamsKita-ku • 27-02-2014  

Описание: Snapped at the JR East Railway Museum in suburban -- or relatively suburban -- Omiya, a shinkansen ride north of central Tokyo. Two of the three figures pictured here are real mcCoy homo sapiens. The gent in the cap and overalls at top is a mannequin. Maybe that's why he's not wearing a face mask. The railway museum is superbly laid out, but offers litle signage for visitors ignorant of Japanese. Consider yourself forewarned. You can watch the shinkansen come and go from a rooftop deck, but won't get a good photo angle of one. Expect to be surrounded by merry hordes of grade schoolers. This is obviously a big field trip destination in Tokyo. I couldn't help contrast the young troops visiting a train museum in Japan to the kids I saw visiting the Hall of Fame museum at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.


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