фото: L22 Tv

Tim AdamsS"odra Hammarbyhamnen • 15-05-2014  

Описание: A westbound L22 Tv"arbanan tram slips past cherry trees at the Luma stop. I might have nabbed a better shot on the other side of the street if I'd come fifteen minutes earlier. Alas, I didn't; the cherry trees at right were already in shadow, and I did my shutter clicking of westbound trams instead. Feel free to board any door of a Stockholm tram, but expect your fare to be checked shortly by a conductor. They stroll the aisles, cheerfully requesting proof-of-payment from new riders. In past posts, I have noted smugly that my native San Francisco retains firm hold on an imaginary beauty prize when compared to metropolises of different lands. San Francisco might not deserve the prize, given the gross inadequacies of government here, but it's got it just the same. That was in posts past. I hadn't seen Stockholm yet. As S.F.'s self-appointed (or self-imagined) representative in Scandinavia, I claim a ripped seam in my city's figurative sparring gloves, and request that the beauty match-up be postponed until, say, January. Stockholm temps will hover around freezing then, and the sun will set between 3:00 and 4:00 in the afternoon. I think that will be an _excellent_ month for a contest.


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