фото: Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos in Santiago, Chile

Tim AdamsEstacion Central • 03-12-2014  

Описание: This museum is dedicated to the victims of the Pinochet dictatorship. I remain an early bird even when abroad, and get to photograph landmarks before pesky innocent bystanders get in the way of my lens. For those unfamiliar with late twentieth century political history in the Southern Cone: Marxist physician/politician Salvador Allende finally gained power in Chile with thirty-six percent of the vote in 1970, and got plenty of unasked-for help from the Nixon administration and the CIA while driving the Chilean economy into the ground over the next three years. Some exhausted Chileans threw corn at military officers in the street, challenging them to intervene. The military did, under General Pinochet, and gave Chile much more than it had bargained for. Thousands were arrested, tortured, murdered. The DINA secret police generally targeted activists of the militant left, but also seized many without such political views. I think the positive and negative reviews of this museum now on tripadvisor.com provide a nice overview. Detractors note that the museum doesn't tell the whole story of tumultuous Chile before or during the Pinochet regime. (It is certainly worth noting that all administrations after Pinochet stuck with the essential economic framework put in place by the 'Chicago boys' Pinochet hired to aright the country's economic ship, although income inequality worsened under their oversight, and they helped steer the country into a separate economic morass in 1981-82.) I recommend Lois Hecht Oppenheim's Politics in Chile for those interested in learning more. The writing is pretty dry, but Ms. Oppenheim impressed me as impartial and trustworthy.


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