фото: Villa Grimaldi in Santiago, Chile

Tim AdamsPe~nalolen • 03-12-2014  

Описание: Roses in foreground and Andes in background at the Villa Grimaldi. I had to take a long trip on the 513 bus to reach this site, which is also dedicated to the victims of the Pinochet regime, and gets less attention than Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos. It moved me much more, without especially trying to. The three acre Villa Grimaldi began life as a resort, but was commandeered as a detention center during the Pinochet dictatorship. Approximately 4,500 were held here -- including current Chilean president Michelle Bachelet. Many were tortured, and some killed. The DINA secret police overseeing Villa Grimaldi liked the roses, and assigned prisoners to care for them.


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