фото: Entrance to Sistine Chapel in Vatican Museums in Rome, Italy

Tim AdamsVatican • 19-01-2015  

Описание: Please note the 'Cappella Sistina' sign at the top of the stairs. The legendary chapel is immediately to the right of that sign. One of the fellows in shadow at top whispered 'thank you' to me as I put away my camera before entering. No shots in the chapel; I'd read the rules. Some Trip Advisor reviewers have knocked the Vatican Museums as too crowded. I had a simply splendid time here, regarded the museums as a highlight of my trip to Rome, but (a) bought my admission ticket online in advance, and (b) arrived at the 9:00 a.m. opening time. Galleries that I had strolled through effortlessly at 9:15 were teeming with fellow tourists at 11:00.


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