фото: Aqueduct Bridge in Segovia, Spain

Tim AdamsSegovia • 15-02-2017  

Описание: Variation on a theme. I took many photos. I lamented my inability to comprehend two and a half millenia of history in a 2015 blog post about the Parthenon: transitophile.com/chango/athens-rome-barcelona/ and sighed over similarly despairing thoughts while tramping around the aqueduct. My pee-wee brain simply can't compute history on this scale. I feel dense. I used to lead field trips to the Avila Adobe in L.A., felt excited to tell school kids that Jedediah Smith himself had hung his hat in the adobe in 1827. 'Almost two centuries ago, kids! Two centuries!' The aqueduct is ten times older. I might have grown up with a different sense of time if I'd lived near Cahokia or other Native American burial sites, but had never heard of these mounds in my boyhood, thought of history as beginning with the Mayflower.


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