фото: Courtyard of Charles V Palace at Alhambra

Tim AdamsGranada • 17-12-2017  

Описание: Charles V decided to spring for a royal residence here after the reconquista. Doesn't mesh gracefully with the Nasrid Palaces or the Alcazaba, does it? I stammered a bit while noting the messy juxtaposition of Islamic and Christian spheres in C'ordoba, asseverate more boldly now. (Perhaps prematurely.) These kingdoms weren't palsy-walsy. It was called 'reconquista' for a reason. Battle. Blood. What if the Democrats were to win dibs on Trump Tower as part of the ongoing battle against the Donald? Would Chuck Schumer take the House leader aside, whisper quietly: "Well, Nancy, we want any changes we make here to be careful and restrained, to show respect for an American president?" Or would he quickly torch all the GOP stuff, slap donkeys and Democratic campaign posters over anything that bore Trump's name?


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