фото: Streetcar nightmare

Vitaly Volkov • 29-05-2006  

Описание: Taking tram is extreme sport. At least if you live in Kaliningrad, Russia. Tram stops in the middle of the street and there is no safety paltform. Also, the motorists do not stop to let you pass. It wasn't problem in the Soviet time, when there were almost no cars, but now, lack of approprite infrastructure makes it really dangerous to take tram. It seems like city authorities' thoughts are something like "No tram, no problems". Instead of modernising infrastructure they simply remove trams from the streets! (to give more space for cars. It seems like they think the same way as their American and European collegues did in fifties) A lot of tram lines have been removed in the last couple of years, ald it seems like that Kaliningrad tram will be totally destroyed in the coming years. It would be really tragical, because this tram system operates since 1895, what makes it the oldest tram network of Russia. This picture was made by my mother.


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