фото: Tram in Tervuren (Old livery)

Vitaly Volkov • 13-05-2001  

Описание: This picture was taken at the terminus of the Brussels tram line 44. This interucity connects Brusseles with the Flemish town Tervuren. It is one of the most beautifull tram lines of Brusseles. It runs along prestigious Tervurenlaan avenue (a lot of foreign embassies are located there) and through the forest, called Zoni"enwoud/F^oret de Soignes (forest of Suns). The line terminus is near the Museum of Central Africa. This is not a coincidence, since the tram line was build in 1897, during the World Fair, to connect Brusseles with the Colonial Exhibition, wich was later transformed into museum. The tram belongs to 7700-7800 series, this articulated bidirectional cars were build for Brusseles in 1971-1972. They are based on American PCC cars. This tram is painted in the old livery of STIB/MIVB (Brussels public transport munitipal company)


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