фото: Tram from the gone era

Vitaly Volkov • 22-03-2008  

Описание: Not that long ago, just few decades ago, Belgium had immense interurban tram network, called "Local Railways", Buurtspoorwegen (in Dutch) or Vincial (in French). There were more than 5000 kilometers of tram lines all over the country. To compare: today, the total length of Belgiam railways equals 3700 km. 40 years ago you could go throug whole country, from East to West, from North to South, by tram. It had to be very special experience. Like old book writes: "The local railway is more close to the people than it's big brother. It have never had intention to change landscape, rather it adapted to it. It runs along the same roads as people do, it uses the same bridges as we do. It runs throug village streets and stops near local caf'e". Unfortunately, all the network was destroyed after the War. It was unfair, since local railways have served the country very well indeed during the war. The "big" railway was administrated by Germans, only local railways were left for Belgians because it had no strategic importance. The last remains of local railways network were closed in the late eighties, near Charleroi. Now, only one line (67 km, along Belgian coast) remains. It is served by modern light rail vehicles now, and thus has lost the old atmosphere. Only few old trams remian for special runs. So the memory of lost era is still kept alive. The tram on the picture is most probably the type SO, it was build in fifties.


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