фото: La Statue renvers'ee du Prince Fr'ed'eric-Charles, Metz (November 1918)

pellethepoetMetz • 01-11-1918  

Описание: Postcard. Postally unused. Published by Ch. Bergeret, 11 March'e-Neuf, Strasbourg. Bought from an eBay seller in Paris, France. The statue of Prince Fr'ed'eric-Charles in the Boufflers Garden, unveiled in 1898, was pulled down in 1918 after the end of World War I, when the city of Metz, which had been annexed to the German Empire in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian war, reverted to France. The statues of William I and Frederick II were likewise overthrown. Other symbols of German imperialism were also erased: on the portal of the cathedral, a sculptor skilfully shaved the moustache of William II, rendering the figure benign; at the railway station the imperial eagles were dismantled, the stained glass window with the Prussian eagle was removed, and the monumental statue of Count von Haeseler, on the tower, was replaced by the present knight who carries on his shield the coat of arms of Metz. Centenary of Armistice: 11 November 2018


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