фото: Thomas Spellman, Licensed Plumber & Engineer / Grocers, 19 Robert Street (corner Dot Street), Marrickville by NSW Department of Public Works Photographer (Monday, 24 August, 1896)

pellethepoetMarrickville • 24-08-1896  

Описание: NRS-4481-4-160-[AF00193859] MHNSW - State Archives Collection The identity of the photographer is unclear due to the upheavals and restructuring of the Department of Public Works at this time. Joseph Bischoff is the likely photographer, but oddly disappears from Public Works staff lists after 1895; he is not listed as retrenched nor retained following the restructure. He would have reached retirement age in 1897. Whoever the PWD photographer was in 1896, he accidentally captured his pipe-smoking self whilst attempting to shield the camera from the sun’s glare with his hat. The 1888 building still exists, stripped bare of all its Victorian details and ornamentation - including its parapet - a mere shell of its former self.


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