фото: Portrait of a boy by George Croughton (c.1880)

pellethepoetWaveney District • 01-01-1880  

Описание: Carte de visite. Studio of George Croughton, Miniature Painter & Photographer, 19 London Road South, Lowestoft. Bought from an eBay seller Hartlepool, United Kingdom. George Hanmer Croughton (1843-1920), studied under the landscape painter Thomas Sidney Cooper (1803-1902), becoming an itinerant painter and sketch artist, touring throughout England, Scotland, and Ireland. After settling in London, he was commissioned to paint Queen Victoria’s portrait and the final portrait of the exiled Napoleon III before his death in 1873. He exhibited at the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Exhibitions in 1872 and 1874, winning medals for miniatures on ivory, and the International Exposition in London in 1874, winning a first-class medal for enlargements. In 1876 he moved his studio from London to Lowestoft, and in 1883 immigrated to America where he was prominently involved in both art and photography circles in Rochester, New York.


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