фото: Moselle Brook in Tottenham Cemetery # 1

Alan StantonHaringey • 17-01-2020  

Описание: 17 January 2010. In Tottenham Cemetery. View westward. A footbridge carries Church Path across the Moselle Brook. (Also known as the Moselle River.) The name Moselle derives from 'Mosse-Hill' in Hornsey to the west of Tottenham, High ground there is one of the river's sources. Mosse-Hill gave its name to Muswell Hill. The Moselle flows east and then southeast towards the River Lee. It's culverted for much of its length. (The Lee may also be spelled "Lea". ) § Link to aerial view with Google Maps. § Wikipedia page River Moselle in London. _________________________________ § The name Moselle in Tottenham is nothing to do with the Moselle River - a tributary of the Rhine -- which flows through France, Luxembourg, and Germany.


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