фото: Doonesbury by Gary Trudeau

Alan Stanton • 06-11-2020  

Описание: This is a sort of review, but really a fan letter about the cartoon strip "Doonesbury" drawn for fifty years by Gary Trudeau. I didn't see it until 1979 during my first visit from the UK to the U.S. I was trying to make sense of the very strange foreign country I was visiting. Our friends in Maryland had a newspaper delivered, read Doonesbury was syndicated and I and was hooked. Later in an enormous secondhand bookshop in New York I bought some of the early Doonesbury strips collected in large book format. Anyone who hasn't seen the strip should search it out. It's still in newspapers but also online. I enjoyed the wit, clever invention and underlying sharp social comment. Does any other cartoon strip have such a wide cast of characters who grow, change, have families, divorces, kids and then get old and die? With an exception of the utterly amoral unprincipled Uncle Duke. Who stays more or less the same. Possibly because he was once - temporarily - a zombie. Maybe that sounds absurd? More realistic are the strips when President Gerald Ford appoints him United States Ambassador to the People's Republic of China.


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