фото: View across London from the gardens of Kenwood House, Hampstead

Alan StantonCamden • 13-11-2020  

Описание: On 13 November 2020 face-masked and "social distancing", Zena and I walked around the spacious grounds of Kenwood House in North London. § On Google Street view there are several panoramic views from this hill looking across central London. Here's a link to one of them in 2017. __________________________ § Some very elderly people have now been vaccinated against illness from Covid-19. The first apart from volunteers taking part in the medical trials. Britain's foetid Government is using the event to make empty patriotic boasts about "V-Day". Please read Fintan O'Toole's article in the Guardian. Here's an excerpt from what he wrote about our Government Health Secretary, Matt Hancock who cried on TV. "The health secretary staged his bizarre pantomime presumably because the simple emotions that any sane person might be feeling – relief, hope, a tinge of wonder at the extraordinary ingenuity of which our species is capable – are not enough. Another layer of sentiment must be slathered on. As throughout the pandemic, that extra coating is a thick overlay of phoney patriotism. The grim reality of being the first country in Europe to pass 50,000 deaths from Covid-19 must be somehow cancelled by the boast of being the first in the world to begin vaccinating against it. A spectacularly international event has to become a nationalist parable. Thus, Tuesday became V-Day, the name chosen to resonate with VE Day that marked the end of the second world war in Europe. The first man to receive the vaccine was William Shakespeare – presumably because no one called Winston Churchill was available. Didn’t one of those blokes say something about protesting too much?" www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/dec/09/v-day-vacci....


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